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Girl's Fastpitch

Local Rec Rules

Cape Coral Softball Fastpitch


Fall 2024

As permitted by USA Softball, Local League Rules are adopted by the League Board of Directors. They are intended to address specific needs of the local league. Official Regulations and Playing Rules not amended by Local League Rules will be stated in the current USA Softball Play Rule Book found at

It is mandatory that all coaches familiarize themselves with the both the Local League and USA Softball rules and adhere to them at all times.

The following will apply to the CCS league. Where USA rules may contradict these, what’s included herein shall supersede. Local League rules apply to all regular season games played at Burton Park. Tournament play may have a separate set of rules, please refer to specific tournament for rules as applicable.

Generally, the spring season is more competitive than the fall. While there is always a focus on development, the spring does have more emphasis on the value of competition and working together in a team setting to win games than what the fall season embodies. The fall is more for learning and experiencing new situations and settings for the individual player.

General Rules for All Age Divisions

A.    One (1) Head Coach and two (2) Assistant Coaches per team will be allowed on the playing field during games.

a.     Exception: 8U division, which may have one additional league approved volunteer to help manage the dugout at any time.

B.    All games times will be set per season based on League schedule.

C.    All players in every Division must wear a face guard on their batting helmets

D.    If during a game, a team is unable to field nine (9) players, but can still field eight (8), the game may continue and will be considered an official game. Less than eight (8) players will be considered a forfeit.

E.    Teams may pick up additional players during the season who are not on their roster to substitute. If a team has less than eight (8) players, Coaches can agree before the game to pick up no more than two (2) additional players from other CCSB teams. If not agreed upon before the game by Head Coaches, it will be up to the Board Member on duty to decide.

a.     Guest players must wear their own designated jersey, play the outfield, bat last in the order, and cannot pitch if from the same age division. May pitch if approved in advance and from a lower age division, only when a pitcher is required. 

F.    Up until game time, the decision on whether or not the playing conditions are bad enough to prevent play shall be made by the City of Cape Coral, the Umpire-In-Chief or the Board Member on Duty.

G.    Coaches are allowed to substitute their players in and out of the lineup freely. Each player is required to play at least two (2) innings on defense per game. No player can play the same position for more than two (2) innings per game.

a.     Exception: Fall 2024 Season 13+ Pitcher can pitch the whole game. All other positions must adjust. 

H.    The entire available roster for each team will bat whether playing defense or not.

I.      Outfielders must be on grass until a batted ball is put into play.

J.     The dropped third strike rule is in effect for all League games in divisions 10U and older.

K.    If a game is shortened due to weather or other rule, a player that has not completed the stated play requirement must start the next game.

L.     If a player is injured during a game, it does not result in an automatic out when they come up to bat, the player cannot return to the game.   

M.   A Courtesy runner must be the last completed batter.                                  

N.     CCSB reserves the right to add or amend the “Local League Rules” at anytime.

Team Responsibilities

For ALL games played at the Burton Memorial Park softball fields:

Home team responsibilities

A.    Maintaining the official score book or allocating responsibility to a trained scorekeeper.

a.     Scorekeeper responsible for keeping copies of line-up cards with scorebook.

b.     Scorekeeper responsible for getting scorebook to Umpire so they may sign and return to board room.

c.     Official Scorebook may not be maintained in the dugout.

B.    Failure to perform these duties could result in forfeiture of the next scheduled field practice.

Visiting team responsibilities

A.    Preparing the field for play prior to the start of the game. 

B.    Maintaining the scoreboard during games and returning scorebox in its appropriate case to the boardroom upon completion of game. 

B.    Pulling pitch mound and spikes, and return to boardroom upon completion of game.

C.    Failure to perform these duties could result in forfeiture of the next scheduled field practice.

Modified Coaches Pitch (6U) Division

The following special considerations will apply to the Modified Coaches Pitch (6U) Division.

A.    6U will be classified as an instructional league. Having fun while learning the basic rules and positions of softball are to be emphasized over competition.

B.    When on offense, each player will take a turn at bat. Score will not be kept. Fielding change will occur when offensive team has batted all players.

C.    Players should rotate to an infield position at least once per game. All players will take the field when on defense.

D.    6U will be modified coach pitch. Coach will pitch five pitches, if batter does not hit, the tee will be brought out. Batter will get three attempts to hit off tee.

E.    Score will be kept at all tournaments and applicable tournament rules will apply as outlined by the hosting league.

Coaches Pitch (8U) Division

The following special consideration of rules will apply to the Coaches Pitch (8U) Division.

A.    An 11” leather-soft ball will be used for all games.

B.    There is a maximum of ten (10) defensive players allowed to play the field.

a.     In field – Catcher, Pitcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, shortstop, 3rd baseman

b.     Outfield – Right Fielder, Right Center Fielder, Left Center Fielder, Left Fielder

C.    Pitching distance from the front of the pitcher’s rubber to the point of home will be 35 feet.

D.    Each batter will receive 3 strikes or a max of 5 pitches. Unless the fifth pitch is a foul.

E.    There will be no walks in 8u Coach Pitch

F.    Stealing bases is not allowed

G.    Outfielders will be required to stand in the grass or ten (10) feet beyond the baseline, whichever is closer.

H.    Each team may have one coach in the outfield while playing defense. At least one coach must remain in the dugout at all times.

I.      Coaches who are pitching are permitted to communicate with offensive players, but not after the ball is released.

J.     A defensive player may call time when in possession of the ball in pitching circle or in front of the lead runner to end play. If runner is past halfway mark the proceed to next base without risk. If runner has not crossed halfway mark runner returns to last achieved base without risk of being out.

K.    On an overthrow, base runner can advance one base at their own risk. A throw from catcher to pitcher is not considered an overthrow.

L.      A runner is able to lead off the bases, after the ball crosses home plate, after a pitch. 

M.     There is a five (5) run maximum per inning rule regardless of outs. No batter will come to bat once five (5) runs have been scored in that team’s half-inning. No more than five (5) runs will be allowed to score regardless of how many girls are on base at the time

10U Division

The following special consideration of rules will apply to the 10U Division.

A.    An 11” leather ball will be used for all games.

B.    Ten players will be allowed to play defense per inning,

a.     In field – Catcher, Pitcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, shortstop, 3rd baseman

b.     Outfield – Right Fielder, Right Center Fielder, Left Center Fielder, Left Fielder

C.    The pitching distance from the front of the pitcher’s rubber to the point of home plate is 35 feet

D.    10U will allow pitchers to pitch no more than 2 innings per game

E.    There shall be no intentional walks.

F.    The base runner may only leave a base when the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand. If the base runner leaves before the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand, the base runner will be called out.

G.    Stealing is allowed.

H.    There is a five (5) run maximum per inning rule regardless of outs. No batter will come to bat once five (5) runs have been scored in that team’s half-inning. No more than five (5) runs will be allowed to score regardless of how many girls are on base at the time.

Fall Season Only Modifications:

  1. Player Pitch
    1. For the first batter in every half inning the player pitcher pitches until the batter is either: 1) retired (e.g., strikeout, groundout, flyout, popout), 2) puts the ball in play (e.g., hit, error), or 3) is hit by a pitch, in which case the batter is awarded first base, or 4)walks with 4 balls. If walked this runner CAN steal or advance unless the following batter 1) is being pitched to by coach or 2) batter is hit by pitch by player pitcher/coach.
    2. After the first batter in every half inning is walked by player pitcher, there are no more walks in that half inning. If the player pitcher throws three (3) balls to a batter an adult coach from the hitting team goes to the pitching rubber and replaces the player pitcher for pitching only.  The player pitcher remains to the side of the adult pitcher and will make all subsequent defensive (fielding) plays. The adult pitcher may not “coach” batters or runners while serving as the adult pitcher. Batter assumes current pitch count and every pitch by coach is a strike until batter either 1) strikes out or 2) puts ball into play. Batter cannot advance due to hit by pitch (would be considered a strike).
    3. When coach is pitching "drop 3rd strike rule" is in effect.
    4. Modified pitching rule resets every half inning.

  2. Adult Coach Pitch
    1. The adult coach pitches to the batter, keeping at least 1 foot on the pitching rubber.  The ball/strike count carries over and every pitch, whether swung at or not, a strike is called.  The batter will either: a) put the ball in play, b) be retired via strikeout, c) if the batter fouls off the third coach pitch (or subsequent coach pitches), she continues to receive coach pitches until one of a-b occurs. 
      1. Example of situation b): On a 3-1 count after the first batter in every half-inning, Offensive coach comes in to pitch. On the next two (2) coach pitches the batter swings and misses. The batter is out by strikeout because she already had 1 strike from player pitch and got two more swing-and-miss strikes from the coach pitch.
      2. IMPORTANT: The adult coach pitcher should make every effort to simulate a “flat fastpitch” to the batter.  The coach should not “lob” the pitch to the batter.
      3. Comments:  The intent for the pitching rule is to continue our transition from complete coach pitch (8U) to player pitch.  This “modified player pitch” rule will allow the player pitchers to continue to learn to pitch, while at the same time move the game along without having a complete walk-a-thon. This will also facilitate better fielding skills by increasing the number of balls hit to the defense.

12U Division

The following special consideration of rules will apply to the 12U Division.

A.    A 12” leather ball will be used for games

B.    The pitching distance from the front of the pitcher’s rubber to the point of home plate is 40 feet.

C.    Only nine (9) players will be allowed to play defense on the field at a time

a.     In field – Catcher, Pitcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, shortstop, 3rd baseman

b.     Outfield – Right Fielder, Center Fielder, Left Fielder

D.    There shall be no intentional walks.

E.    The base runner may only leave a base when the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand. If the base runner leaves before the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand, the base runner will be called out.

F.    There is a five (5) run maximum per inning rule regardless of outs. No batter will come to bat once five (5) runs have been scored in that team’s half-inning. No more than five (5) runs will be allowed to score regardless of how many girls are on base at the time.

13+ Division

The following special consideration of rules will apply to the 13+ Division.

A.    A 12” leather ball will be used for all games.

B.    The pitching distance from the front of the pitcher’s rubber to the point of home plate is 43 feet.

C.    Only nine (9) players will be allowed to play defense on the field at a time

a.     In field – Catcher, Pitcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, shortstop, 3rd baseman

b.     Outfield – Right Fielder, Center Fielder, Left Fielder

D.    There shall be no intentional walks.

E.    The base runner may only leave a base when the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand. If the base runner leaves before the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand, the base runner will be called out.

F.    There is a five (5) run maximum per inning rule regardless of outs. No batter will come to bat once five (5) runs have been scored in that team’s half-inning. No more than five (5) runs will be allowed to score regardless of how many girls are on base at the time.

Fall 2024 League game length per Division

6U – There will be a max 4 innings or 60-minute time limit, whichever comes first

8U - There will be a 75-minute finish the inning play clock on all league games

10U - There will be a 75-minute finish the inning play clock on all league games

12U - There will be a 90-minute finish the inning play clock on all league games

13+ - There will be a 90-minute finish the inning play clock on all league games


Run Rule

The USA Softball ‘mercy rule’ of 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings will apply. A game may also be called early if, at the Umpires discretion, the score of one team is not within reach of the other in the amount of time left.


Cape Coral Girls Fastpitch Softball
PO Box 151631 
Cape Coral, Florida 33915

Email: [email protected]

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